14 d’oct. 2015

la dixi en les llengües romàniques (‘Manual of Deixis in Romance Languages’)

L’editorial De Gruyter Mouton acaba publicar el llibre Manual of Deixis in Romance Languages, editat per Konstanze Jungbluth (Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder, Alemanya) i Federica da Milano (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Itàlia).  El llibre proporciona una visió panoràmica sobre la dixi, però posa l'èmfasi en la descripció d’aquest fenomen en les llengües romàniques. També inclou estudis diacrònics, comparacions amb altres llengües europees i no europees, i estudis sobre la relació que es pot establir entre la dixi i altres camps afins. He tingut el plaer de contribuir-hi amb el capítol dedicat al català.

Trobareu l’índex complet del llibre aquí. I en aquest apunt, una breu descripció sobre la dixi.

Manual of Deixis in Romance Languages

Deixis as a field of research has generated increased interest in recent years. It is crucial for a number of different subdisciplines: pragmatics, semantics, cognitive and contrastive linguistics, to name just a few. The subject is of particular interest to experts and students, philosophers, teachers, philologists, and psychologists interested in the study of their language or in comparing linguistic structures.

The different deictic structures – not only the items themselves, but also the oppositions between them – reflect the fact that neither the notions of space, time, person nor our use of them are identical cross-culturally. This diversity is not restricted to the difference between languages, but also appears among related dialects and language varieties.

This volume will provide an overview of the field, focusing on Romance languages, but also reaching beyond this perspective. Chapters on diachronic developments (language change), comparisons with other (non-)European languages, and on interfaces with neighboring fields of interest are also included.

The editors and authors hope that readers, regardless of their familiarity with Romance languages, will gain new insights into deixis in general, and into the similarities and differences among deictic structures used in the languages of the world.

See the table of contents here.


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